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#AspNetCore.Docs/razor| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

title author description monikerRange ms.custom uid Tutorial: Get started with Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core wadepickett This is the first tutorial of a series that teaches the basics of building an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app. wpickett >= aspnetcore-3.1 11/04/2022 contperf-fy21q2 tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start Tutorial: Get started with Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core

By Rick Anderson

:::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-7.0"

This is the first tutorial of a series that teaches the basics of building an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app.

For a more advanced introduction aimed at developers who are familiar with controllers and views, see Introduction to Razor Pages. For a video introduction, see Entity Framework Core for Beginners.

[!INCLUDE Choose web UI]

At the end of this tutorial, you'll have a Razor Pages web app that manages a database of movies.

Prerequisites Visual Studio


Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio for Mac


Create a Razor Pages web app Visual Studio

Start Visual Studio and select Create a new project.

In the Create a new project dialog, select ASP.NET Core Web App > Next.

In the Configure your new project dialog, enter RazorPagesMovie for Project name. It's important to name the project RazorPagesMovie, including matching the capitalization, so the namespaces will match when you copy and paste example code.

Select Next.

In the Additional information dialog:

Select .NET 7.0. Verify: Do not use top-level statements is unchecked.

Select Create.

The following starter project is created:

For alternative approaches to create the project, see Create a new project in Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Code

Open the integrated terminal.

Change to the directory (cd) that will contain the project.

Run the following commands:

dotnet new webapp -o RazorPagesMovie code -r RazorPagesMovie

Visual Studio Code displays a dialog box that asks Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder. Select:

The checkbox trust the authors of all files in the parent folder Yes, I trust the authors (because dotnet generated the files).

The dotnet new command creates a new Razor Pages project in the RazorPagesMovie folder.

The code command opens the RazorPagesMovie folder in the current instance of Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio for Mac

In Visual Studio for Mac 2022, select File > New Project....

In the Choose a template for your new project dialog:

Select Web and Console > App > Web Application. Select Continue.

In the Configure your new Web Application dialog:

Verify: Target framework is set to .NET 7.0 (or later). Verify: Authentication is set to No Authentication. Verify: Do not use top-level statements is unchecked. Select Continue.

In the Configure your new Web Application dialog:

Enter RazorPagesMovie for Project name. It's important to name the project RazorPagesMovie, including matching the capitalization, so the namespaces will match when you copy and paste example code. Select Create. Run the app Visual Studio

Select RazorPagesMovie in Solution Explorer, and then press Ctrl+F5 to run without the debugger.

Visual Studio displays the following dialog when a project is not yet configured to use SSL:

Select Yes if you trust the IIS Express SSL certificate.

The following dialog is displayed:

Select Yes if you agree to trust the development certificate.

[!INCLUDEtrust FF]

Visual Studio:

Runs the app, which launches the Kestrel server. Launches the default browser at https://localhost:, which displays the apps UI. is the random port that is assigned when the app was created. Visual Studio Code


In Visual Studio Code, press Ctrl+F5 to run the app. At the Select environment prompt, select .NET Core.

The default browser launched with the following URL: https://localhost: where is the randomly generated port number.

Visual Studio for Mac

Select Debug > Start Debugging to launch the app.

Visual Studio for Mac launches a browser and navigates to https://localhost:, where is the port number randomly assigned at project creation and is set in Properties/launchSettings.json.

Examine the project files

The following sections contain an overview of the main project folders and files that you'll work with in later tutorials.

Pages folder

Contains Razor pages and supporting files. Each Razor page is a pair of files:

A .cshtml file that has HTML markup with C# code using Razor syntax. A .cshtml.cs file that has C# code that handles page events.

Supporting files have names that begin with an underscore. For example, the _Layout.cshtml file configures UI elements common to all pages. _Layout.cshtml sets up the navigation menu at the top of the page and the copyright notice at the bottom of the page. For more information, see xref:mvc/views/layout.

wwwroot folder

Contains static assets, like HTML files, JavaScript files, and CSS files. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/static-files.


Contains configuration data, like connection strings. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/configuration/index.


Contains the following code:


The following lines of code in this file create a WebApplicationBuilder with preconfigured defaults, add Razor Pages support to the Dependency Injection (DI) container, and builds the app:


The developer exception page is enabled by default and provides helpful information on exceptions. Production apps should not be run in development mode because the developer exception page can leak sensitive information.

The following code sets the exception endpoint to /Error and enables HTTP Strict Transport Security Protocol (HSTS) when the app is not running in development mode:


For example, the preceding code runs when the app is in production or test mode. For more information, see Use multiple environments in ASP.NET Core.

The following code enables various Middleware:

app.UseHttpsRedirection(); : Redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS. app.UseStaticFiles(); : Enables static files, such as HTML, CSS, images, and JavaScript to be served. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/static-files. app.UseRouting(); : Adds route matching to the middleware pipeline. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/routing app.MapRazorPages();: Configures endpoint routing for Razor Pages. app.UseAuthorization(); : Authorizes a user to access secure resources. This app doesn't use authorization, therefore this line could be removed. app.Run(); : Runs the app. Troubleshooting with the completed sample

If you run into a problem you can't resolve, compare your code to the completed project. View or download completed project (how to download).

Next steps

[!div class="step-by-step"] Next: Add a model


:::moniker range="= aspnetcore-6.0" This is the first tutorial of a series that teaches the basics of building an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app.

For a more advanced introduction aimed at developers who are familiar with controllers and views, see Introduction to Razor Pages. For a video introduction, see Entity Framework Core for Beginners.

[!INCLUDE Choose web UI]

At the end of the series, you'll have an app that manages a database of movies.

In this tutorial, you:

[!div class="checklist"]

Create a Razor Pages web app. Run the app. Examine the project files.

At the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working Razor Pages web app that you'll enhance in later tutorials.

Prerequisites Visual Studio


Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio for Mac


Create a Razor Pages web app Visual Studio

Start Visual Studio 2022 and select Create a new project.

In the Create a new project dialog, select ASP.NET Core Web App, and then select Next.

In the Configure your new project dialog, enter RazorPagesMovie for Project name. It's important to name the project RazorPagesMovie, including matching the capitalization, so the namespaces will match when you copy and paste example code.

Select Next.

In the Additional information dialog, select .NET 6.0 (Long-term support) and then select Create.

The following starter project is created:

Visual Studio Code

Open the integrated terminal.

Change to the directory (cd) that will contain the project.

Run the following commands:

dotnet new webapp -o RazorPagesMovie code -r RazorPagesMovie

Visual Studio Code displays a dialog box that asks Do you trust the authors of the files in this folder. Select:

The checkbox trust the authors of all files in the parent folder Yes, I trust the authors (because dotnet generated the files).

The dotnet new command creates a new Razor Pages project in the RazorPagesMovie folder.

The code command opens the RazorPagesMovie folder in the current instance of Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio for Mac

Select File > New Solution.

In Visual Studio 2022 for Mac select Web and Console > App > Web Application > Next.

In the Configure your new Web Application dialog:

Confirm that Target framework is set to the latest .NET 6.x version. Confirm that Authentication is set to No Authentication. Select Next.

Name the project RazorPagesMovie and select Create.

Run the app Visual Studio

Select RazorPagesMovie in Solution Explorer, and then press Ctrl+F5 to run without the debugger.

Visual Studio displays the following dialog when a project is not yet configured to use SSL:

Select Yes if you trust the IIS Express SSL certificate.

The following dialog is displayed:

Select Yes if you agree to trust the development certificate.

[!INCLUDEtrust FF]

Visual Studio:

Runs the app, which launches the Kestrel server. Launches the default browser at https://localhost:5001, which displays the apps UI. Visual Studio Code


In Visual Studio Code, press Ctrl+F5 to run the app. At the Select environment prompt, select .NET Core.

The default browser launched with the following URL: https://localhost:5001

Visual Studio for Mac

Select Debug > Start Debugging to launch the app. Visual Studio for Mac launches a browser and navigates to https://localhost:, where is the port number randomly assigned at project creation and is set in Properties/launchSettings.json.

Examine the project files

The following sections contain an overview of the main project folders and files that you'll work with in later tutorials.

Pages folder

Contains Razor pages and supporting files. Each Razor page is a pair of files:

A .cshtml file that has HTML markup with C# code using Razor syntax. A .cshtml.cs file that has C# code that handles page events.

Supporting files have names that begin with an underscore. For example, the _Layout.cshtml file configures UI elements common to all pages. This file sets up the navigation menu at the top of the page and the copyright notice at the bottom of the page. For more information, see xref:mvc/views/layout.

wwwroot folder

Contains static assets, like HTML files, JavaScript files, and CSS files. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/static-files.


Contains configuration data, like connection strings. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/configuration/index.


Contains the following code:


The following lines of code in this file create a WebApplicationBuilder with preconfigured defaults, add Razor Pages support to the Dependency Injection (DI) container, and build the app:


The developer exception page is enabled by default and provides helpful information on exceptions. Production apps should not be run in development mode because the developer exception page can leak sensitive information.

The following code sets the exception endpoint to /Error and enables HTTP Strict Transport Security Protocol (HSTS) when the app is not running in development mode:


For example, the preceding code runs when the app is in production or test mode. For more information, see Use multiple environments in ASP.NET Core.

The following code enables various Middleware:

app.UseHttpsRedirection(); : Redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS. app.UseStaticFiles(); : Enables static files, such as HTML, CSS, images, and JavaScript to be served. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/static-files. app.UseRouting(); : Adds route matching to the middleware pipeline. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/routing app.MapRazorPages();: Configures endpoint routing for Razor Pages. app.UseAuthorization(); : Authorizes a user to access secure resources. This app doesn't use authorization, therefore this line could be removed. app.Run(); : Runs the app. Troubleshooting with the completed sample

If you run into a problem you can't resolve, compare your code to the completed project. View or download completed project (how to download).

Next steps

[!div class="step-by-step"] Next: Add a model


:::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-5.0 < aspnetcore-6.0" This is the first tutorial of a series that teaches the basics of building an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app.

For a more advanced introduction aimed at developers who are familiar with controllers and views, see Introduction to Razor Pages.

[!INCLUDE Choose web UI]

At the end of the series, you'll have an app that manages a database of movies.

In this tutorial, you:

[!div class="checklist"]

Create a Razor Pages web app. Run the app. Examine the project files.

At the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working Razor Pages web app that you'll enhance in later tutorials.

Prerequisites Visual Studio


Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio for Mac


Create a Razor Pages web app Visual Studio

Start Visual Studio and select Create a new project. For more information, see Create a new project in Visual Studio.

In the Create a new project dialog, select ASP.NET Core Web Application, and then select Next.

In the Configure your new project dialog, enter RazorPagesMovie for Project name. It's important to name the project RazorPagesMovie, including matching the capitalization, so the namespaces will match when you copy and paste example code.

Select Create.

In the Create a new ASP.NET Core web application dialog, select:

.NET Core and ASP.NET Core 5.0 in the dropdowns. Web Application. Create.

The following starter project is created:

Visual Studio Code

Open the integrated terminal.

Change to the directory (cd) which will contain the project.

Run the following commands:

dotnet new webapp -o RazorPagesMovie code -r RazorPagesMovie The dotnet new command creates a new Razor Pages project in the RazorPagesMovie folder. The code command opens the RazorPagesMovie folder in the current instance of Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio for Mac Select File > New Solution.

In Visual Studio for Mac earlier than version 8.6, select .NET Core > App > Web Application > Next. In version 8.6 or later, select Web and Console > App > Web Application > Next.

In the Configure the new Web Application dialog:

Confirm that Authentication is set to No Authentication. If presented an option to select a Target Framework, select the latest .NET 5.x version. Select Next.

Name the project RazorPagesMovie and select Create.

Run the app


Examine the project files

Here's an overview of the main project folders and files that you'll work with in later tutorials.

Pages folder

Contains Razor pages and supporting files. Each Razor page is a pair of files:

A .cshtml file that has HTML markup with C# code using Razor syntax. A .cshtml.cs file that has C# code that handles page events.

Supporting files have names that begin with an underscore. For example, the _Layout.cshtml file configures UI elements common to all pages. This file sets up the navigation menu at the top of the page and the copyright notice at the bottom of the page. For more information, see xref:mvc/views/layout.

wwwroot folder

Contains static assets, like HTML files, JavaScript files, and CSS files. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/static-files.


Contains configuration data, like connection strings. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/configuration/index.


Contains the entry point for the app. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/host/generic-host.


Contains code that configures app behavior. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/startup.

Troubleshooting with the completed sample

If you run into a problem you can't resolve, compare your code to the completed project. View or download completed project (how to download).

Next steps

[!div class="step-by-step"] Next: Add a model


:::moniker range="< aspnetcore-5.0"

This is the first tutorial of a series that teaches the basics of building an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web app.

For a more advanced introduction aimed at developers who are familiar with controllers and views, see Introduction to Razor Pages.

At the end of the series, you'll have an app that manages a database of movies.

View or download sample code (how to download).

In this tutorial, you:

[!div class="checklist"]

Create a Razor Pages web app. Run the app. Examine the project files.

At the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working Razor Pages web app that you'll build on in later tutorials.

Prerequisites Visual Studio


Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio for Mac


Create a Razor Pages web app Visual Studio

From the Visual Studio File menu, select New > Project.

Create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application and select Next.

Name the project RazorPagesMovie. It's important to name the project RazorPagesMovie so the namespaces will match when you copy and paste code.

Select ASP.NET Core 3.1 in the dropdown, Web Application, and then select Create.

The following starter project is created:

Visual Studio Code

Open the integrated terminal.

Change to the directory (cd) which will contain the project.

Run the following commands:

dotnet new webapp -o RazorPagesMovie code -r RazorPagesMovie The dotnet new command creates a new Razor Pages project in the RazorPagesMovie folder. The code command opens the RazorPagesMovie folder in the current instance of Visual Studio Code.

After the status bar's OmniSharp flame icon turns green, a dialog asks Required assets to build and debug are missing from 'RazorPagesMovie'. Add them? Select Yes.

A .vscode directory, containing launch.json and tasks.json files, is added to the project's root directory.

If Visual Studio Code doesn't offer to add the assets automatically, see the Linux operating system guidance in xref:blazor/tooling?pivot=linux.

Visual Studio for Mac

Select File > New Solution.

In Visual Studio for Mac earlier than version 8.6, select .NET Core > App > Web Application > Next. In version 8.6 or later, select Web and Console > App > Web Application > Next.

In the Configure the new Web Application dialog:

Confirm that Authentication is set to No Authentication. If presented an option to select a Target Framework, select the latest 3.x version.

Select Next.

Name the project RazorPagesMovie, and then select Create.

Run the app


Examine the project files

Here's an overview of the main project folders and files that you'll work with in later tutorials.

Pages folder

Contains Razor pages and supporting files. Each Razor page is a pair of files:

A .cshtml file that has HTML markup with C# code using Razor syntax. A .cshtml.cs file that has C# code that handles page events.

Supporting files have names that begin with an underscore. For example, the _Layout.cshtml file configures UI elements common to all pages. This file sets up the navigation menu at the top of the page and the copyright notice at the bottom of the page. For more information, see xref:mvc/views/layout.

wwwroot folder

Contains static files, like HTML files, JavaScript files, and CSS files. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/static-files.


Contains configuration data, like connection strings. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/configuration/index.


Contains the entry point for the program. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/host/generic-host.


Contains code that configures app behavior. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/startup.

Next steps

[!div class="step-by-step"] Next: Add a model







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